Student Loan Forgiveness in Florida: Understand All About It as fast as possible

Learn more about the Student Loan Forgiveness Plans provided by the state of Florida.

Updated by Vidish S on 22nd July 2020

Florida is ranked as the state with the third-highest population in the US. It is home to over 21 million residents. This naturally equates to a higher number of student loan borrowers, and as a result, higher student loan debts. For more information, public service loan forgiveness can also be referred to. 

It should be noted that are a number of jobs available to help get your loans forgiven. Having an in-depth understanding of the various student loan forgiveness jobs out there is crucial to see if your job can get your loans forgiven.

If you are in specific professions like law or nursing, you may be able to get student loan forgiveness in Florida under specific programs. Read on to learn more.

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Programs for Student Loan Forgiveness in Florida

There are two main Student Loan forgiveness Programs that the state of Florida offers:

Florida Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)

Florida has its own unique Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) that lawyers can take advantage of. 

Under Florida’s LRAP, eligible borrowers can receive as much as $5,000 each year under the forgivable loan program. The Florida Bar Foundation then forgives the loan each year.

To qualify, you must be employed full time or half time at an eligible civil aid organization that is receiving a grant from the foundation. In order to apply, you need to submit your materials during the open application period and be in good standing with the bar as well as meet all other requirements.

Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program

If you’re a nurse based in Florida, you might qualify for the Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program (NSLFP). The Florida nurse forgiveness loan program, which was started in 1989, is geared toward nurses who work in the areas of shortage.

The program offers up to $4,000 in student loan forgiveness for as long as four years. To qualify, you must be:

  • A registered nurse (RN)

  • A licensed practical nurse (LPN)

  • An advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP)

Your loans must be from nursing, and your employment needs to be full time at a qualified site. Sites that qualify include:

  • Public schools

  • Teaching hospitals

  • The Department of Health

  • Specialty hospitals for children

  • Community health centers that are federally-sponsored

  • State of Florida medical and healthcare facilities

  • Family practice teaching hospitals

  • Other facilities designated as part of the program

After you receive loan forgiveness under the Florida nurse forgiveness loan program, payment will be made directly to your lender at the end of each 12-month service period.

Concluding Thoughts

Florida’s Student loan forgiveness plans may not be the best one in the country but they do have decent forgiveness options. Do keep in mind that sometimes, loan forgiveness programs might require you to be from that state, apart from being a resident as well. So, if you are moving to Florida for this particular reason, you might want to do your due research. But if you plan on staying in the state of Florida, you could use the federal student loan forgiveness options offered to all federal student loan borrowers.

Sometimes, forgiveness can be a little hard to qualify for due to your financial circumstances. But that does not mean you do not have other options. One option you do have is Refinancing your loans. Interested and want to learn more? Check out the Best Companies to Refinance Your Student Loans today!

And as always, carry out your due diligence before coming to a decision regarding your Student Loan Forgiveness.