Now English has become an important language and for students to get admission in college or university in the US or any other nation where English acts as primary language, hence students should have a good grip on this language. This makes ESL and TESOL courses important.

TCM Staff

27th December 2019

What is ESL?

The full form of ESL is English as a Second Language or Foreign language.

It refers to someone who speaks English more often rather than their original (or native) language.

Instruction for English-language learners may be known as English as a second language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), English as an additional language (EAL), or English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).

English as a foreign language (EFL) is used for non-native English speakers learning English in a country where English is not commonly spoken.

This can be seen where English is the mother tongue (e.g., Australia, the U.S.) or one in which English has an established role (e.g., India, Nigeria).

What is TESOL?

  • TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and it stands for the purpose which is same as its name.

  • TESOL international association is one of the largest association in the world which was formed in 1966 with its headquarter in Alexandria, Virginia in the United States.

  • It is an association of professionals who teach English to those who have English as the second language.

  • In 2013 there were 12,100 TESOL members in the whole world with 109 English language institutions and 44,000 associations were affiliated by the TESOL. 

  • There are two publications by TESOL which are TESOL Quarterly and TESOL Journal.

  • The association holds a seminar for professionally training known as "TESOL Academics" all over the United States and an annual convention is organized by TESOL.

Types of Courses:-

  • Speaking English Outside the English-speaking country

  • Speaking English in the English-speaking country

Difficulties faced by the learner:

  • Problems in understanding the Pronunciations

  • Grammar

  • Vocabulary Problem

Social Challenges

  • Class placement:

ESL Candidates frequently experience the ill effects of the impacts of following the concept of capacity gathering in which they teach everyone together. People with high marks and low marks are taught together. This results in setting the high performing people in low performing groups which hinders their improvement.

  • Dropout rates:

In many countries, the dropouts of ESL candidates are very high. In a study, it was seen that the dropouts in the U.S. for ESL is between the age group of 16 -24 is around 43%. In Canada, it was seen that the dropout rate is 74%. This shows that it needs to be more practical oriented and interesting to hold the students in the batch.

  • Interaction with the native:

The people who are trying to learn and speak English are having a good fluency but the problem arises after the class when they meet the native people. As, day in and day out, outside the class they would be speaking in their native language. This reduces their practice and command in English thus this results in demoralizing the ESL Students. This takes the shape of cultural barriers and problem to cope up with it.

Examinations that should be taken before ESL/TESOL

These examinations should be taken by the learner who wants to opt for ESL/TESOL:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

  • CaMLA


  • iTEP

  • PTE Academic



English has become one of the most important languages in the world. It not only helps us in interaction, and exchange of knowledge and culture but it also helps in reducing the cultural barrier that was prevalent for so long. Thus resulting in an overall mutual improvement in the status of the whole world.

" In the nation of immigrants, the English language is the one common trait we can rally behind." -Mauro E. Mujica 

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