PreACT is the Preliminary American College Test and it is the first step towards practicing for the ACT. Continue reading to know more about PreACT.
The ACT is the American College Test which is a national level standardized test that serves as a measurement of aptitude and critical thinking. All the colleges and universities in the United States carefully review exam results when taking admissions of the students to their schools. While admitting students to the school, ACT scores are considered to be an important factor. Therefore, it is important to perform well on the ACT as it is a key component of your future.
What is PreAct?
Here, Pre stands for preliminary, so PreACT is the Preliminary American College Test. The PreACT is the first step towards practicing for the ACT. It is a paper-based, multiple-choice test in the same four subjects that appear on the ACT: English, Math, Reading, and Science. It will not include a writing section. On the ACT college-entrance exam, the writing section is optional.
Why offer PreACT?
To simulates the ACT testing experience within a shorter test window on all four ACT test subjects: English, math, reading, and science
To predict future success on the ACT test, and provide both current achievement and projected future ACT test scores on the 1-36 ACT score scale.
As a Student, You Need To Know The Following Points of PreACT
The PreACT provides you an early practice for the ACT test with flexible test administration dates provided on your schedule.
The score ranges of predicted ACT score and PreACT score align to that of ACT 1–36 scale.
You may opt to share your information with different colleges and scholarship agencies.
You can check the ACT Interest Inventory results which will provide you with a personalized view of interests with college and career alignment.
Valuable results provide actionable insights to help educators, parents, and students make important decisions for the future.
Rapid reporting turnaround within 2-4 weeks of receipt of answer documents allows for early and effective planning to ensure students can attain the future and career success they envision.
What does the Research say About PreACT?
Schools that have adopted the PreACT are improving more on the ACT test than schools that didn't. It is also true that the PreACT test provides students with practice for the ACT test and it also measures their progress towards college readiness. Schoolwide adoption of the PreACT improves ACT test scores, interest-major fit, and college score-sending behavior.
Prepare Strategically For Your ACT
Start with selecting practice questions that are exactly like the test, it can be either actual released tests or material that closely matches the real thing and fully explains correct and incorrect answers, so you know how to get the answer right the next time. Time yourself. Apply a good rule of thumb which is a little less than a minute for ACT questions. Search and find a good mobile app that will let you do some studying when you are away from home. Even 10 minutes at a time can add up to a lot of practice. And finally, put the earbuds away. You won't have your music on the test day, so from now get comfortable with the silence.
Remember, all the basic things. Do not compromise with your nap. Have a little bit to eat but sleep well, and drink some water. You can observe that these tests are long and boring so you should be in top shape the morning of the test. But please do not underestimate how important this is. Have a strong mental game. It isn’t the end of the world if you have to guess on some questions. Prepare your best but remember a one-point difference is not going to sink your score. You can always retake it if you have to. Believe these things to avoid stressing out on the test.
Good Luck...