About the Scholarship

This award is available to Mississippi undergraduate students who are planning to enroll full time at a state-supported college or university in Mississippi. The student must be the spouse or dependent child of a fatally injured or totally disabled law officer or fireman. Application requirements for the Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship are:Application formParent's/Spouse's tax return & driver's license

Eligibility Criteria

This award is for U.S. students. Must be a current legal resident of Mississippi. Must enroll full time. Must be certified as a dependent child or spouse of any Mississippi law enforcement officer, full-time firefighter, or volunteer fire fighter who has suffered fatal injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his/her office OR certified as the dependent child or spouse of any Mississippi law enforcement officer, full-time firefighter, or volunteer fire fighter who has become permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his/her office. Must attend a state-supported college or university in Mississippi. Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. Must be admitted or enrolled at an eligible postsecondary institution as an undergraduate.In order to qualify, students must meet the following criteria:Sign Up To View

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