Net price is indicative of what it actually costs to attend Bergen Community College when typical grants and scholarships are considered.
The average net price at this college is calculated according to the family income of the student. Depending on the financial aid available to the family or the student, the income bracket may either pay more or less than the overall average costs. The net price in the case of BCC is $8,755.
Incomes ranging from $0 - 30,000 have a net price of $8,159, whereas for the range of $30,001 - 48,000, it is $8,703. Major changes in the net price come with the ranges $48,001-75,000, where it is $12,097.
Between $75,001-110,000, the net price is $14,040 which is slightly higher, with respect to the other ranges. Incomes above $110,000 costs up to $19,860.