
Acceptance Rate


Avg.Financial Aid



Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC)

  • Type Control of Institution - Public/Private


  • Acceptance Rate:


  • Level

    2 Years

  • Religious Affiliation Indicates religious affiliation (denomination) for private not-for-profit institutions that are religiously affiliated.

    Not applicable

  • Accreditation Accreditation is the process by which the quality of learning at various educational institutions are evaluated. Read More.


  • Website

  • Student Population Number of Students attending College


  • On Campus Housing Does the institution provide on-campus housing?


Rowan College at Burlington Country is a public institution in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Founded in the year 1966 as Burlington Country College but the first batch of students were enrolled in 1969. College provides students with skill evaluations and access to opportunities to prepare for college level work. College is committed towards developing and nurturing the students to learn academically as well as develop themselves as a better personality.

  • The College has a total undergraduate  student population of 8890.

  • The student to faculty ratio is 23:1

  • College got its accreditation in the year 1972 by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education(MSCHE).

  • They have opened colleges at several locations and also provide distance learning courses through online classes.

Online Education at RCBC

Distance Education enables students to earn college credits without having to attend class on campus. Today, 30-40% of all RCBC students are taking online classes during each semester. Distance education courses are fully-accredited college courses. 

Currently, there are over 100 distance education courses offered online and a several degrees that can be completed 100% online.

Rowan College at Burlington County students can complete their associate and bachelor’s degree entirely online through Wilmington University.

Benefits of this program include:

  • Saving money by transferring up to 90 credits from RCBC to Wilmington.

  • Convenient transfer to the university as a junior or senior.

  • No application fee to Wilmington.


Some of the reviews posted by the alumni are:

  • Rowan College at Burlington County is not bad at all. You just have to find the right professors. The ones I have had are super friendly, loves to get the class engaged with activities and loves to help out their students. The college campus is beautiful and kept neat. There's always cool events going on such as, when finals were coming up one year, they brought in puppies for us. There was also goat yoga, they made a roller skating rink one day and there was a day we got to make out own stuffed animals! As for getting the classes you want you just need to make sure you register early and you will be fine. The homework can be overbearing at times but for the most part its manageable as long as you keep up with it!

  • I did not expect community college to be this good. I was super bummed when I could not go to a university due to funds, but RCBC was a really good choice! The campus is beautiful, the professors are great, and advising is helpful as well. This college is cheap, with great opportunities for financial aid, and is great if you live locally. I would totally recommend it to anyone who is looking to get a degree without going into debt.

Location & Contact




900 College Circle


Rankings given to the college are:

It has been ranked 24th in ‘Best Community College’.


  • Application Deadline Deadline for application submissions. Please contact the school for more details.

    30th Oct

  • Acceptance Rate Percentage of applicants who are accepted in an Institution.


  • SAT Range



    Considered but not required

  • ACT Range


  • High School GPA

    Considered but not required

  • Application Fee


  • Accept Common App


Admission process for any university or college is a critical and the one of the most important step of one’s career. Before applying to any university or college, students need to be thoroughly satisfied with the cultural environment and requirements of the particular college or university.

Rowan college at Burlington Country application process involves several steps. Students need to fill an online application form and than follow the step by step process as directed in the online application.

Before applying to the college, you may have a look at the requirements of the program you want to enroll as if the student is eligible for the college or not.

Annual Cost to Attend

  • Net Price Cost of attendance minus any grants and scholarships received.


  • Average Annual Cost


Additional Costs:

  • Books And Supplies


  • Other Fees


  • Room And Board The charges for an academic year for Rooming accommodations and meals for a typical student.


  • Budget For Other Expenses


Total One Year Cost


The total expense which the student has to incur per year to have secured the admission for the same. As it is a public institution the expense to attend the college is kept at an average price.

The net price which is calculated by excluding all the grants, scholarships, or aids provided comes out to be $7,080. While the average annual tuition fees of the college is $3,810.

Books and supplies expense on an average is $1,200 and other academic or course related fees are $1,425.

The average accommodation cost including the meal of the student is $10,000. 


Highest Degree Offered The highest degree offered by the Institution.

Associate degree

Student:Faculty Ratio


Full-Time Retention Rate Percent of the that re-enrolled at the institution as either full- or part-time in the current year.


Part-Time Retention Rate Percent of the that re-enrolled at the institution as either full- or part-time in the current year.


Academic Calendar


Research Funding per Student


Faculty Overview


Male Professors


Female Professors

Non-traditional Learning

Evening Degree Programs

Teacher Certification

Distance Education

Study Abroad


Most Popular Majors:

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences, General...

    1,047 Graduates

  • Registered Nursing, Administration,...

    94 Graduates

  • Criminal Justice and Corrections

    67 Graduates

  • Design and Applied Arts

    24 Graduates

  • Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervent...

    23 Graduates

  • Culinary Arts and Related Services

    20 Graduates

  • Dental Support Services and Allied...

    19 Graduates

  • Human Services, General

    19 Graduates

  • Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervent...

    23 Graduates

  • Culinary Arts and Related Services

    20 Graduates

  • Dental Support Services and Allied...

    19 Graduates

  • Human Services, General

    19 Graduates

  • Graphic Communications

    16 Graduates

  • Health and Medical Administrative S...

    14 Graduates

  • Management Information Systems and...

    13 Graduates

  • Business Administration, Management...

    12 Graduates

  • Electrical Engineering Technologies...

    10 Graduates

  • Legal Support Services

    8 Graduates

  • Hospitality Administration/Manageme...

    6 Graduates

  • Communication Disorders Sciences an...

    6 Graduates

  • Health Services/Allied Health/Healt...

    5 Graduates

  • Fine and Studio Arts

    4 Graduates

  • Fire Protection

    4 Graduates

  • Accounting and Related Services

    4 Graduates

  • Engineering Technologies/Technician...

    3 Graduates

  • Film/Video and Photographic Arts

    3 Graduates

  • Drafting/Design Engineering Technol...

    2 Graduates

  • International/Global Studies

    2 Graduates

  • Construction Engineering Technologi...

    1 Graduates

  • Entrepreneurial and Small Business...

    1 Graduates

  • Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosc...

    1 Graduates

  • Mental and Social Health Services a...

    1 Graduates

Show More

Student Body

Undergraduate Students


Socio-Economic Diversity Percent of full-time, first-time students receiving an income-based Federal Pell Grant intended for low-income students.


Full-time / Part-time

50% / 50%

Students Gender



US National: 44%



US National: 56%












Two or more races


Non Resident alien




American Indian/Alaska native


Native Hawaiians/Pacific islander


Geographic Density

Geographic Density



Unknown Location


Out Of State


In State



Economic Diversity

36% percentage of students who recieved an income-based Federal Pell Grant intended for low-income students.

Median Household Income

$75,967 per year

Campus Life


The institution does not provide on-campus housing facilities for students.

On Campus Housing Available


Freshmen Required to Live on Campus


Freshmen Live on Campus


Undergrads in College Housing


Averege Housing Cost


Campus Food

The institution does not provide any meal plan options.

Meal Plan Available


Average Meal Plan Available



Division Sports Nickname


School Colors


Varsity Athletics Association


Varsity Athletics Conference Primary

Not applicable

Total Male Athletes


Total Female Athletes


Intramural Sports


Sports Club


Campus Security

The students at RCBC have an incredible breadth to learn and turn into change-makers. Since the campus life of students assumes a fundamental part in their development and improvement, students at RCBC are encouraged to invest their energy in learning and developing themselves. To ensure the safety and security of students, the college has a number of campus safety and security measures in place. Some of these features include 24-hr security patrol, campus emergency phones and 24-hr escort safety rides. The number of female and male students at the college are 39% and 61%, respectively.

24-Hour Security Patrol

Campus Emergency Phones

24-Hour Escort Safety rides

Mobile Campus Emergency Alert

After Graduation

Median Earnings 6 Years After Graduation


Median Earnings 10 Years After Graduation


Median Total Debt After Graduation The median cumulative federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who graduated.

$9,000 - $13,240

Typical Monthly Loan Payment The median monthly loan payment for student borrowers who completed, if it were repaid over 10 years at a 4.53% interest rate.

$93 - $137

Outcomes 8 Years of Attending

Show data for students who

and started their studies

Out of 7,811 students

30% Graduated

10% Still Enrolled

15% Transfer

1% Withdraw

Financial Aid

Students Receiving Gift Aid Percent of undergraduate students awarded federal gift aid.


Average Aid Per Year


Students Receiving Federal Grants


Average Aid Per Year


Students Receiving State Aid


Average Aid Per Year


Students Receiving Institutional Grants


Average Aid Per Year


Average Grant & Scholarship by Family Income Aid awarded based on the family income.


Average Amount

< $30K


$30K - $48K


$48K - $75K


$75K - $110K


> $110K


Rowan College at Burlington Country(RCBC) provides comprehensive financial assistance to the students in the form of grants, aid, scholarship, or any other benefit.  Funds can also be borrowed from other sources in whichever the student is suitable for:

The FAFSA Code of the college is 007730.

Some of the types of financial help provided by the college are:

  • Federal Grants such as Pell Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants any many more.

  • Tuition Aid Grant, Community College Opportunity Grant, Educational Opportunity Fund are some of the State Grants.

  • Outside scholarships or loans like Federal Direct Student Loans, Federal Work-Study Program and many more.

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