Avg. Federal Grant


Avg. Federal Loan


Total Aid Awarded

Adler University Financial Aid and Scholarships

Students Receiving Aid Percent of Students Receiving Financial Aid.


Total Aid Amount Average Total Aid Awarded per year.


Financial Aid Official Website


Earning an advanced degree is making an investment in yourself—and your future. Adler University provides the students with an extensive guide regarding the financial issue and the financial choices so that every student gets a chance to prevail in college irrespective of his or her financial conditions.

Education is a great investment in your future. At Adler University, they work hard to provide the students with the career education they need at an affordable cost.

The University is authorized to offer various financial aid programs for those who qualify. The university understands the process of availing the financial aid can still be a very complex task for the students and parents so for this reason a dedicated financial aid office is set up to help the student.

Adler offers assistance to its students in the form of-

Grants and Scholarships- free money that does not need to be repaid. Most times, this assistance is based upon financial need, academics, personal background, essay completion, or some combination of these categories.

  • Scholarships for New Students (Chicago Campus)

  • Scholarships for New Students (Online Campus)

  • Scholarships for Continuing Students (Chicago Campus)

  • Scholarships from Outside Organizations


Loans are the type of money that must be repaid at some point in the future, with interest. Graduate student federal loans are not need-based, but there may be a credit check required.

Federal Work-study

Financial assistance that is earned through service to the institution or an outside organization. This assistance is need-based.

Veteran Education Benefits

These are the type of assistance available to Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and their dependents or those on active duty/reserve.

The data related to the total awarded financial aid by Adler University to its students was insufficient and that is the reason not mentioned here.

Student Loans for Adler University

Average Loan Amount Average Loan Amount received per year.


Students Taking Out Loans


Loan Default Rate


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